martes, 5 de julio de 2016



San Andres Island, Colombia.
Resultado de imagen para rondon sanandresano
This small and colorful Colombian island, is located in the Caribbean, off the coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina form an archipelago of small-town life whose table is populated with fish and tropical fruits. Ingredients wisely mixed in some of the dishes that you can not miss when you come to this Caribbean corner of paradise.

Rondón is one of the most typical of the island of San Andres, Colombia dishes. Historically, it was a dish prepared only by men, for men and consists of a fillet of fish, snail, cassava, yams, pigtail, cooked banana and domplines, which are flour tortillas. All this, bathed and cooked in coconut milk with pepper.


2 liters of coconut milk
 1 kg. fish (or spiral)
500 gr. salt pork (pig-tail or other part)
2 green, whole peeled and sliced ​​bananas along
500 gr. cassava, peeled and chopped
500 gr. yam, peeled and chopped
250 gr. potatoes peeled and chopped
250 gr. fruit breadfruit, peeled and chopped
8 Dumplings
2 tablespoons fresh basil and oregano, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

Preparing rondón
First, it is well to soften clubbing snail, it is parboiled about 10 minutes sours. Besides, the pig parboiled 10 minutes to get the salt, it is thrown into the water and sink. Reserve washing fish. The snail and pork are made in coconut milk cook for 15 minutes. bananas, cassava, yams and potatoes are added; when they are soft (after about 25 minutes), dumplings, salt and pepper are added (if fish is the time to put it) and cook for 20 minutes over low heat, adding the herbs 5 minutes before serving .

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