martes, 5 de julio de 2016


Colombia is in the latitude and longitude of 04 ° 00 N, 72 ° 00 w. It is located in the northwest corner of South America. Colombia covers both the northern and southern hemispheres.
The capital city of Colombia is Bogotá. The latitude and longitude of Bogota, Colombia's capital city is 04º 38 'N, 74 ° 05' w.
The surface of 2,129,748 km² is Colombia, of which 1,141,748 sq km correspond to its mainland and the remaining 988,000 square kilometers to its maritime extension, which maintains a border dispute with Venezuela and Nicaragua.
Bordered on the east by Venezuela and Brazil, south with Peru and Ecuador and northwest with Panama; regarding maritime boundary, bordering Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Venezuela in the Caribbean Sea and Panama, Costa Rica and Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean.


Natural resources
Recursos Naturales
The Colombian territory has a wide variety of natural resources due to its topographical diversity. so we call the material elements that nature provides us spontaneously, without the hand of man intervenes.
Natural Resources are used by humans, and serve to meet their needs. Are natural reinforcements eg trees, which form the tropical forests of the Amazon; natural grasses growing in the Andean region; fish living in the seas, rivers and lakes; minerals lying underground as copper, oil or silver; the floors of the valleys and plains; wild animals of different natural regions of the country; water from rivers, ponds and lakes are part of these resources. These become wealth with organized labor of men, that is, when they are used wisely ..
In addition, Colombia has great potential for energy resources (coal, mainly in Guajira). Oil exploitation is one of the main activities of the national economy and generating large amount of currency. Among export natural resources are gold, nickel, copper, silver, platinum and emeralds. The large variety of climatic zones allows for a significant agricultural and livestock production. Forestry and fishing are also important.

National flag
Bandera Nacional

The yellow represents wealth, blue seas and rivers and red the blood spilled by compatriots in battle.

the Shield
National Emblem
Escudo Nacional

The Shield of our country has just had a change throughout history. The first shield that had Colombia was designed by Charles V in 1548 and is currently identifies Bogota. Francisco de Paula Santander in 1861 was commissioned to modify by the law 3 May 9, 1834.
National Anthem of Colombia

The National Anthem of Colombia, was formalized by Law 33 of 1920. The words of the hymn was written by Rafael Núñez and music by the Italian composer Oreste Sindici to commemorate the November 11 Independence of Cartagena. On November 11, 1887 was sung for the first time in public. On December 6, 1887 made an official appearance in the hall of degrees, opposite the Palace of San Carlos; assisted by Rafael Nunez, civil, ecclesiastical, military, cabinet members and members of the diplomatic corps.

It was sung by a choir of 25 voices with orchestra, conducted by Maestro Oreste Sindici. In 1920 it was adopted as the National Anthem by law enacted by Congress.

Flower National Emblem
Escudo Nacional

The orchid is the national flower. In particular, the variety called Cattleya Trianae. It is named in honor of the Colombian naturalist José Jerónimo Triana.

It was chosen as the national flower according to an opinion issued by the Colombian Academy of History in 1936, even though it has not been officially sanctioned by law. It is known that the Colombian Orchids are listed among the most beautiful in the world. The structure and colors of the Cattleya Trianae are of extraordinary beauty.


Wax Palm of Quindio
The Quindio wax palm is the national tree of Colombia. Its scientific name is "Ceroxylon Quindiuense". It is a palm of stunning beauty, extraordinary strength and legendary longevity. It is exclusive to the Colombian Andes. It reaches heights up to 70 meters. It was chosen as the national tree of Colombia by the preparatory commission of the III South American Botanical Congress, held in Bogotá in 1949. Later it was officially adopted as a national symbol by law 61 of 1985.Nombre scientist: Ceroxylon quindiuense H. Wendl.

                       Ave Nacional
The condor is an emblem of freedom and sovereignty in the national emblem since 1834, officially recognized as the national bird. This bird inhabits the Andean region, is characterized by its size and scope, according to the president of the republic the condor is the national heritage that was an exotic bird that represented the spiritual harmony of those who want the nation.


The official currency of Colombia is the peso, which is divided into 100 cents. Colombia ranks as the fourth largest economy in Latin America after Brazil, Mexico and Argentina and in the international classification, is within the 31 largest in the world.
It is part of the CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa), that comprise emerging economies with high growth potential.
In 2012 the United States-Colombia Free Trade Agreement went into effect. The agreement adds to the existing treaties and 10, and six others are under negotiation.
Colombia is part of international organizations like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, IDB (Interamerican Development Bank), Unasur, the WTO (World Trade Organization), Mercosur, among others.
The Colombian economy is based primarily on the production of primary commodities for export, and production of consumer goods for the domestic market. One of the most traditional economic activities is the cultivation of coffee, one of the world's largest exporters of this product; It has been a central part of the economy of Colombia since the early twentieth century and has earned international recognition for the quality of grain; however, its importance and production have decreased significantly in recent years.
Oil production is one of the most important in the continent, Colombia is the fourth largest producer in Latin America and the sixth of the entire continent.
As for minerals include coal mining, and the production and export of gold, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds.
In agriculture, have an important place floriculture and banana crops, and in the industrial sector include textiles, automotive, chemical and petrochemical industries.

Change US dollars into pesos.

The predominant religion in Colombia is Roman Catholic. 92% of the national population says profess Catholicism or registered as Catholics, but within the same population can be counted indifferent religious groups. These figures take into account the percentage of Catholic baptisms, which does not necessarily reflect the number of believers.

The flora and fauna of Colombia are as varied as the topography. The characteristics of Colombian territory are are conducive to accommodate ecosystems. which in turn contribute to the presence of many species of flora that are in Colombia, which currently has 45,000 species of plants.
Along the Caribbean coast grow mangroves and coconut trees, and 51 million intermediate elevations are covered by forests, where commercially harvestable trees as are: mahogany, rosewood, oak, walnut, cedar, pine and some varieties of balm . Tropical plants also produce rubber (rubber), chicle, cinchona, vanilla, sarsaparilla, ginger, gum copal, ipecac, tonka bean and castor bean.


Among the wild animals are the largest mammals in South America, such as jaguar, puma, tapir, peccary, anteater, sloth, armadillo, and several species of monkeys and deer. Lizards, who once abounded along major rivers, have been hunted intensively so they are now very rare. In tropical regions inhabited by many varieties of snakes. Among the birds condors, vultures, toucans, parrots, cockatoos, cranes, storks and Hummingbird are.

Folclor y Tradiciones
Folklore and Traditions
Spanish or Castilian is the official language of Colombia. From Europe, exactly our Spanish conquistadors, there are local variants of Castilian. include numerous dialects like paisa (Medellin and Old Caldas), the valluno, the Rolo (Bogota and the center of the country), the coastal, the pastuso, the patojo (Cauca), the opita, the santandereano, the Boyaco and chocoano.

The languages ​​of ethnic groups are also constitutionally recognized as official in its territory. They are sixty-five American Indian languages ​​which subsistenen 22 of the 32 departments in Colombia. By law education it is compulsory must be bilingual in areas with their own linguistic traditions.

60 Aboriginal languages ​​are kept alive, for example Wayúunaike in Guajira; the Nasayuwe and Guambiano in Cauca; languages ​​of the Chibcha family in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Cocuy; Embera and Wounaan in Choco and Risaralda; Guahibo languages ​​of the family in the Llanos del Orinoco; Camsá, Inga dialect Quechua in the valley of Sibundoy (Putumayo) and Maku languages, Tucano, Witoto-Bora, Ticuna and others in the Amazon.

Importantly Creole languages ​​spoken by Afro-Colombian communities: Palenquero creole, Palenque de San Basilio (Bolívar) and sanadresano Creole English, the archipelago of San Andres and Providencia.

Colombia a wonderful country with warm people, beautiful scenery of beaches, mountains, mountains and forest, ideal for foreign nationals wishing to know the great diversity of climate, fauna and flora.
It enjoys a rich and varied cuisine, where the aroma of coffee, tropical fruits and spices, develop all our senses.

Given the great diversity of cultures in Colombia, are many legends and myths that have been handed down by our ancestors and which the vast majority are female representation.

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