martes, 5 de julio de 2016

The Patasola O ogress

The Patasola O ogress

Resultado de imagen para la patasola mito colombiano

The patasola is a fear that sometimes appears walking with his single leg. The speed of their march is such that men tremble just to hear their cries lost in forests, dense forests scrub, forests and moors of the tops of the ridges.

It is the spirit of an unfaithful wife, who was caught by her husband, this machete in hand with her lover off his head and took her leg, which caused her death.

This fear haunts the men in love, begins to whistle and each time the arremedan it is closer to them, suddenly a beautiful woman with long black hair appears and gets some of the men were interested in her, invite eat and then go to sleep with her.

Once the couple enjoying being the meeting, beautiful woman paralyzed man with his gaze, until it ends amid laughter transformed into a ghost of fiery eyes, tangled hair in disarray and long fangs. It turned into a wild beast pounces on its prey, sucks the blood and bone-crushing; finally leaves a trail of drops of blood on his flight.

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