miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016



Resultado de imagen para imagenes de refranes colombianos

The rich man, showered him friends.
Man of little money, a lot of bed kills.
It save for old age, great prudence is.
Ass gold, Reach out everything.
Take good care cents, the weights take care of themselves.
God give us money, that knowledge does not care about anything.
Where not check out and soon the harvest is finished.
There is no point win if you know not save (or spend).
Money and holiness, half of the half.
Where spare, lack.
They begin where business ends friendship.
He who pays what he owes, know what you have.
He who wants to impoverish, buy what has not necessary.
The more you have, the more you want.
Which has a store that treats you, and but the band.
The time is gold.
In business brothers, do not put your hands.
Fucking deal is to buy and sell five to four.
Silver and the lives of the saints is to tell it.
What really cheap is expensive.
More has the rich when impoverishes the poor as rich.
good business, both parties leave happy.
Not trust today or tomorrow, and you will have wealth and fame.
No lock it's worth, if the pick is silver.
To negotiate with friends, called the judge and witnesses.
Whoever buys on credit, pay doubled.
S fools were not the market, not bad sell.
Three Fret equivalent to a fire.
It's a bad deal, than a good lawsuit.
Better one case, one who said it.
Plus it takes, I'll give you two.
Worth tackling, which arrear.

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