miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016



Resultado de imagen para imagenes de refranes colombianos

The rich man, showered him friends.
Man of little money, a lot of bed kills.
It save for old age, great prudence is.
Ass gold, Reach out everything.
Take good care cents, the weights take care of themselves.
God give us money, that knowledge does not care about anything.
Where not check out and soon the harvest is finished.
There is no point win if you know not save (or spend).
Money and holiness, half of the half.
Where spare, lack.
They begin where business ends friendship.
He who pays what he owes, know what you have.
He who wants to impoverish, buy what has not necessary.
The more you have, the more you want.
Which has a store that treats you, and but the band.
The time is gold.
In business brothers, do not put your hands.
Fucking deal is to buy and sell five to four.
Silver and the lives of the saints is to tell it.
What really cheap is expensive.
More has the rich when impoverishes the poor as rich.
good business, both parties leave happy.
Not trust today or tomorrow, and you will have wealth and fame.
No lock it's worth, if the pick is silver.
To negotiate with friends, called the judge and witnesses.
Whoever buys on credit, pay doubled.
S fools were not the market, not bad sell.
Three Fret equivalent to a fire.
It's a bad deal, than a good lawsuit.
Better one case, one who said it.
Plus it takes, I'll give you two.
Worth tackling, which arrear.

lunes, 18 de julio de 2016



Resultado de imagen para imagenes de refranes populares

Come to the good and be one of them.
Where wants you, good reputation and take better bring.
A lovers and thieves, like the dark and corners.
God helps he who rises early.
It falls before a liar than a lame.
New Year New Life.
Tree born crooked never straightens his arm.
Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
Where the rosary is said, no lack necessities.
The good cloth, into the ark sold.
Sin cringe.
The lazy work double.
Whoever goes wrong, just wrong.
Which makes it pay.
Which owes nothing fears nothing.
The playing loses, drinking and getting drunk.
He who gets up late, or hear Mass, or purchase meat.
In the mouth of the liar, the truth is doubtful.
Between two friends, a mayor and two witnesses.
Judges thief everyone is like him.
The avarice breaks the bag.
Constancy wins what this is not enough.
Pride is the mother of all vices.
Laziness is the mother of poverty.
The trouble is not in use, but abuse.
Lying and eating fish require much care.
The one who sows winds, reaps storms.
Who walks with wolves, howling is taught.
Whoever goes wrong, just wrong.
Who makes a thousand ago.
If you want wealth and fame, do not take the sun on the bed.
If you are not chaste, I am cautious.

lunes, 11 de julio de 2016



居埃爾柏拉圖típico德爾阿雅德爾托利馬,CADA 24日JUNIO本身celebra連接伊瓦格EL DIA德爾塔瑪爾,連接埃爾闕英里德turistasŸtolimenses probaron埃斯特柏拉圖típico。

Resultado de imagen para receta escrita de tamales tolimenses paso a paso

薩爾瓦多邁斯布蘭科ES蘇ingrediente校長。蘇envoltura恩奧哈斯德普拉塔諾連接形式上德博爾薩Ÿ蘇relleno去醃腸,卡爾德cerdo,塞沃利亞拉爾加,阿霍,arvejas,arroz cocido -ingrediente esencial-,zanahoria,爸爸,huevo DUROÿ白豆湯日卡爾LO hacen UNO德洛斯preferidos陳健波洛杉磯colombianos。

400克去arvejas SECAS cocinadas
天秤½德arroz cocido
2天秤座的人去costilla德cerdo picada
天秤½德zanahorias cortadas恩rodajas
2天秤座的人去帕帕斯crudas peladasÿpicadas
4韋沃斯cocinados cortados恩rodajas
3 dientes德阿霍picados
薩爾,cominos,pimienta y顏色人有滋有味

Ÿ的Adobe準備EL波洛CON SAL,pimientaÿ德阿霍。

Cocine EL庫埃羅德爾醃腸和La costilla德cerdo設有2個半德阿瓜POR 20 minutosŸ節省埃爾白豆湯。

聯合國準備CON guiso拉塞沃利亞,洛杉磯AJOSÿ埃爾色; ŸfríelosCON洛杉磯Gordos酒店德爾醃腸,revuélvaloCON EL arroz,拉arveja和La馬薩邁斯德。代耶reposar。

Engrase拉斯奧哈斯Ÿcomience一個程序armar埃爾塔瑪爾; agregando洛杉磯ingredientes德TAL MANERA闕queden邊esparcidos POR待辦事項埃爾柏拉圖。 Primero的拉馬薩; luego拉斯卡恩斯,拉斯帕帕斯和Los韋沃斯。

AdicioneMÁS馬薩Ÿ印版埃爾塔瑪爾recogiendo拉斯蓬塔斯Ÿ博爾德德拉斯奧哈斯。 Recuerde amarrarlo邊對無闕本身恩特雷里奧斯埃爾阿瓜Ÿ本身estropee拉receta。

Finalmentepóngalo一個cocinar恩特雷里奧斯3 Y 4 horas一個火地島moderado。

阿爾servirlo一拉霍拉德爾desayuno本身acompañaCON UNA塔扎德巧克力卡連特ŸDOS rebanadas德鍋。



It is the typical dish of the department of Tolima., every June 24 is celebrated in Ibague Tamal Day, in which thousands of tourists and tolimenses tried this dish.

 .Resultado de imagen para receta escrita de tamales tolimenses paso a paso
White corn is the main ingredient.  Its wrap in banana leaves shaped bag and filling of bacon, pork, scallions, garlic, peas, -ingrediente essentially cooked rice, carrots, potatoes, boiled egg and meat broth make it a favorite by Colombians.

For 15 people

400 g of dry peas cooked
½ pound of cooked rice
400 g of white corn threshed
1 large chicken coarsely chopped
1 pound of bacon (without fat), only leather coarsely chopped
2 pounds of minced pork rib
½ pound sliced ​​carrots
2 pounds of raw potatoes, peeled and chopped
4 eggs cooked sliced
1 pound chopped scallions
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 ½ liters of broth which has been cooked meats
, Cumin pepper to taste Salt and color,
Banana leaves
Cabuya to tie them up.


Adobe and prepare the chicken with salt, pepper and cumin.

Cook bacon and leather pork chop in 2 ½ water for 20 minutes and keep the broth.

Prepare a stew with onion, garlic and color; and fry them with bacon fat, stir with rice, peas and corn dough. Let stand.

Grease the leaves and start arming the tamale; adding ingredients so they are well spread across the plate. First the mass; then the meat, potatoes and eggs.

Add more mass and form the tamale collecting the tips and edges of leaves. Remember to tie it well so that not between water and spoil the recipe.

Finally put it to cook 3 to 4 hours at medium heat.

To serve breakfast when accompanied with a cup of hot chocolate and two slices of bread.

viernes, 8 de julio de 2016


Когда я был маленьким, я путешествовал с родителями в деревню под названием Quirbaquirá в Бояка, каждый раз, когда мы имели отпуск наслаждались в доме моей бабушки, был дом из грязи и соломы, не было света, воды, мы должны были привести его из колодца.

С моими три сестры бежали большими pastales, мы купались в холодных, прозрачных водах ручья, даже тогда, когда пальцы холодные и сморщенные мы голову причинить нам боль.

Это были времена пикапы диких ягод и подсластить медом, они были вкусные. Кроме того, мы кормили кроликов, кур и сколько животных было в доме.

Утром я сопровождал моего отца бабушки с молоком, она дала мне только доили в верхней части столовой молока было тепло и очень богат. Когда она закончила доить, крупный рогатый скот переехал в другой пастбище. Тогда мы IVAM домой, чтобы приготовить завтрак, как правило, свежие из картофельного бульона, полученного из говядины ребра, луком и кинзой, сопровождался с шоколадным молоком, сыром и крестьянских Arepas.

Потом распорку, которая была пирамида соли картофеля на тарелку и закончилась с хорошим куском мяса или курицы и сделать тыкву с сладкого сока сахарного тростника и острый перец с зеленым луком, кинзой и мелко нарезанный помидор.
А играть ..... бегать, прыгать, бросать нас лодку вниз по склонам .., ну ... мы были свободны.
Resultado de imagen para paisajes de casas en adobe en boyacá

В ночное время обеда это было сделано в дровяной печи на кухне, как это было так холодно, мы все собрались вокруг печки и доесть, начались рассказы о домовых, ведьмах и легенд.

Сбор продолжался почти до полуночи, когда мы должны были пойти спать, и все напуганы рассказами, мы должны были помочиться в гору, потому что не было ни ванной, se¿imaginan шок от nosostras? все темные, все, что я видел, были светлячки, что разочаровывает нас и говорит нам, что они были духами умерших, почти всегда мы закончили тем, что делали за домом, несмотря на говорят нам, что мы должны мочиться прочь в кустарник.

А потом мы побежали в спальню, которая находилась на другой стороне дома было довольно далеко от кухни. Мы сели в кровати, и мы полностью покрыты с ног до головы.

Это приятно вспомнить те моменты, что даже если вы не верите, были очень особенным.






Resultado de imagen para paisajes de casas en adobe en boyacá




wǒ xiǎo de shíhòu, wǒ hé wǒ de fùmǔ qiánwǎng yīgè jiào Quirbaquirá zài bó yà kǎ cūn, měi cì wǒmen yǒu xiūjià shíjiān xǐhuān zài nǎinai de fángzi, shì ní hé dàocǎo de fángzi, méiyǒu guāng, shuǐ, wǒmen bùdé bù cóng jǐng lǐ bǎ tā.

Suízhe wǒ de sān gè jiěmèi pǎo yóu dà pastales, wǒmen mùyù zài xiǎohé de bīnglěng, qīngchè dì hǎishuǐ, jíshǐ zài shǒuzhǐ hánlěng hé gānbiě wǒmen qiánwǎng shānghài wǒmen.

Zhèxiē dōu shì cǎizhāi yěshēng jiāngguǒ bèi, lín shàng fēngmì, zhēnshi měiwèi a! Cǐwài, wǒmen bèi wèi tù, jī, yǒu duōshǎo dòngwù zài fángzi lǐ.

Zài wǒ péi nǎinai nǎi zǎoshang, tā gěile wǒ wēnnuǎn de xiān nǎi zài jiǔbā de shàngfāng, zhè shì wēnnuǎn, hěn fēngfù. Dāng tā wánchéng jǐ nǎi, niú zhuǎnyí dào lìng yīgè mùchǎng. Ránhòu, wǒmen IVAM jiā zuò zǎofàn, tōngcháng shì cóng niú lèigǔ, yángcōng héxiāngcài zhì chéng tǔdòu xiān ròu tāng, bànsuízhe qiǎokèlì niúnǎi, nǎilào hé nóngmín arepas.

Suíhòu gǎn lái de zhīchēng, zhè shì yī pán yán tǔdòu jīnzìtǎ hé yīgè liánghǎo de yīkuài ròu huò jīròu de jiéshù, shǐ tián gānzhè zhī héxiāng cōng, xiāngcài làjiāo hé qiē suì de xīhóngshì húlu.
Bìng fāhuī..... Pǎo, tiào, bǎ wǒmen de xiǎochuán shùn pō ér xià......, Hái yǒu...... Wǒmen shì zìyóu de.

Zài bó yà kǎ jǐngguān tǔpī fáng túpiàn jiéguǒ

wǎnshàng chīfàn yǒurén zài chúfáng lǐ de chái lú zuò, yīnwèi tā shì nàme lěng, dàjiā dōu wéizhe lúzǐ chī wán, kāishǐle xiǎo yāojing, nǚwū hé chuánqí de gùshì.

Jùhuì chíxùle jiāngjìn zhízhì wǔyè, dāng wǒmen bùdé bù qù shuìjiào, dōu xià huàile de gùshì, wǒmen bùdé bù xiǎobiànliǎo shān, yīnwèi méiyǒu wèishēngjiān,se¿imaginannosostras de zhènhàn? Quán àn, wǒ kàn dào de shì xià wǒmen, bìng gàosù wǒmen, tāmen shì sǐzhě de línghún, jīhū zǒng shì wǒmen zuìzhōng zuò de fángzi hòumiàn, jǐnguǎn gàosù wǒmen, wǒmen yīnggāi yuǎnlí xiǎobiàn zài cónglín zhōng de yínghuǒchóng.

Ránhòu wǒmen pǎo dào wòshì, zhè shì zài fángzi de lìng yī cè shì cóng chúfáng hěn yuǎn. Wǒmen zuān jìnle chuáng, wǒmen cóng tóu bù wánquán fùgài dào jiǎozhǐ.

Zhè shì hěn hǎo de jì zhù nàxiē shíkè, jíshǐ nǐ bù xiāngxìn shì fēicháng tèshū de.


Als ich klein war, ich war mit meinen Eltern in ein Dorf Quirbaquirá in Boyaca genannt, war jedes Mal, wenn wir Urlaub genossen hatten im Haus meiner Großmutter, ein Haus aus Lehm und Stroh, hatte kein Licht, Wasser hatten wir es aus dem Brunnen zu bringen.

Mit meinen drei Schwestern von großen pastales lief, gebadet wir in den kalten, klaren Wasser des Baches, auch wenn die Finger sind kalt und verschrumpelt wir uns verletzen Kopf.

Das waren Zeiten von Pick Waldbeeren und versüßen mit Honig, sie waren köstlich. Auch fütterten wir die Kaninchen, Hühner und wie viel Tier im Haus hatte.

Am Morgen ich meine Großmutter väterlicherseits begleitet zu melken, sie mich warm frische Milch in der Spitze der Bar gab, war es warm und sehr reich. Als sie das Melken beendet, bewegt Rinder auf eine andere Weide. Dann IVAM wir nach Hause Frühstück zu machen, in der Regel aus Kartoffelbrühe frisch zubereitet mit Rindfleisch Rippe, Zwiebel und Koriander, wurde mit Schokoladenmilch begleitet, Käse und Bauern arepas.

Dann kam die Strebe, die eine Pyramide aus Salzkartoffeln auf einem Teller war und endete mit einem guten Stück Fleisch oder Huhn und machen einen Kürbis mit süßen Zuckerrohrsaft und Peperoni mit Schalotten, Koriander und fein gehackte Tomaten.
Und zu spielen ..... laufen, springen, werfen uns ein Boot auf den Pisten .., na ja ... wir waren frei.
Resultado de imagen para paisajes de casas en adobe en boyacá

In der Nacht Abendessen es im Holzofen in der Küche gemacht wurde, als es so kalt war, haben wir alle um den Ofen und Essen fertig sammelte, begann die Geschichten von Kobolden, Hexen und Legenden.

Das Treffen dauerte fast bis Mitternacht, und wenn wir in den Schlaf, und alle erschrocken von den Geschichten zu gehen hatte, mussten wir auf einen Berg, um zu urinieren, weil es kein Bad war, se¿imaginan dem Schock nosostras? alle dunkel, alles, was ich sah, waren die Glühwürmchen, die uns Angst und sagen uns, dass sie die Geister der Toten waren fast immer am Ende haben wir hinter dem Haus zu tun, obwohl wir sagen, dass wir in den Busch urinieren weg sollte.

Und dann liefen wir auf das Schlafzimmer, das auf der anderen Seite des Hauses war recht weit von der Küche war. Wir kamen in das Bett und wir bedeckt vollständig von Kopf bis Fuß.

Es ist schön, diese Momente zu erinnern, dass, selbst wenn Sie nicht glauben, ganz besonderes waren.


Quand j'étais petite, je voyageais avec mes parents dans un village appelé Quirbaquirá à Boyaca, chaque fois que nous avons eu des vacances apprécié dans la maison de ma grand-mère, était une maison de boue et de paille, avait pas de lumière, l'eau, nous avons dû apporter du bien.

Avec mes trois sœurs ont couru de grands pastales, nous nous sommes baignés dans les eaux froides et claires de la crique, même lorsque les doigts sont froids et ratatiné nous nous dirigeons-nous blessons.

Les temps étaient de cueillir des baies sauvages et sucrer avec du miel, ils étaient délicieux. Aussi, nous nourrissions les lapins, poules et combien animal avait dans la maison.

Le matin, j'accompagné ma grand-mère paternelle au lait, elle m'a donné du lait chaud frais dans le haut de la barre, il faisait chaud et très riche. Quand elle a fini la traite, les bovins déplacés vers un autre pâturage. Ensuite, nous IVAM la maison pour prendre le petit déjeuner, généralement frais à partir du bouillon de pommes de terre préparé avec côte de boeuf, l'oignon et la coriandre, était accompagné de lait au chocolat, du fromage et des paysans arepas.

Puis vint la jambe, ce qui était une pyramide de pommes de terre de sel sur une plaque et a fini avec un bon morceau de viande ou de poulet et faire une gourde avec du jus de canne doux et piments avec les oignons verts, la coriandre et les tomates hachées finement.
Et pour jouer ..... courir, sauter, nous jeter un bateau sur les pentes .., eh bien ... nous étions libres.

Resultado de imagen para paisajes de casas en adobe en boyacá

Le soir le dîner, il a été fait dans le poêle à bois dans la cuisine, car il faisait très froid, nous sommes tous réunis autour du poêle et finir de manger, a commencé les histoires de lutins, sorcières et légendes.

Le rassemblement a duré presque jusqu'à minuit et quand nous avons dû aller dormir, et tout effrayé par les histoires, nous avons dû uriner dans une montagne, parce qu'il n'y avait pas de salle de bains, se¿imaginan le choc de nosostras? tout noir, tout ce que je voyais étaient les lucioles qui nous ont fait peur et nous disent qu'ils étaient les esprits des morts, presque toujours nous avons fini par faire derrière la maison, en dépit de nous dire que nous devrions uriner loin dans la brousse.

Et puis nous avons couru à la chambre, ce qui était de l'autre côté de la maison était assez loin de la cuisine. Nous sommes entrés dans le lit et nous avons couvert complètement de la tête aux pieds.

Il est bon de se rappeler ces moments, que même si vous ne croyez pas été très spéciale.


When I was little, I was traveling with my parents to a village called Quirbaquirá in Boyaca, every time we had vacation enjoyed in the house of my grandmother, was a house of mud and straw, had no light, water we had to bring it from the well.

With my three sisters ran by great pastales, we bathed in the cold, clear waters of the creek, even when fingers are cold and shriveled we head hurt us.

Those were times of pick wild berries and sweeten with honey, they were delicious. Also we were feeding the rabbits, chickens and how much animal had in the house.

In the morning I accompanied my paternal grandmother to milk, she gave me warm fresh milk in the top of the bar, it was warm and very rich. When she finished milking, cattle moved to another pasture. Then we ivam home to make breakfast, usually fresh from potato broth prepared with beef rib, onion and cilantro, was accompanied with chocolate milk, cheese and peasant arepas.

Then came the strut, which was a pyramid of salt potatoes on a plate and ended with a good piece of meat or chicken and make a gourd with sweet cane juice and hot peppers with scallions, cilantro and finely chopped tomato.
And to play ..... run, jump, throw us a boat down the slopes .., well ... we were free.

Resultado de imagen para paisajes de casas en adobe en boyacá

At night dinner it was made in the wood stove in the kitchen, as it was so cold, we all gathered around the stove and finish eating, began the stories of goblins, witches and legends.

The gathering lasted almost until midnight and when we had to go to sleep, and all frightened by the stories, we had to urinate into a mountain, because there was no bathroom, se¿imaginan the shock of nosostras? all dark, all I saw were the fireflies that scared us and telling us that they were the spirits of the dead, almost always we ended up doing behind the house, despite telling us that we should urinate away in the bush.

And then we ran to the bedroom, which was on the other side of the house was quite far from the kitchen. We got into the bed and we covered completely from head to toe.

It's nice to remember those moments, that even if you do not believe were very special.


Cuando era pequeña, viajaba con mis padres a una vereda llamada Quirbaquirá en Boyacá Colombia, cada vez que teníamos vacaciones disfrutamos en la casa de mi abuelita, era una casa de adobe y paja, no tenía luz, el agua debíamos traerla desde el pozo.

Con mis tres hermanas corríamos por los grandes pastizales, nos bañábamos en las aguas frías y cristalinas de la quebrada, hasta cuando los dedos de las manos se nos arrugaba del frío y la cabeza nos doliera.

Eran tiempos de coger moras silvestres endulzadas con miel de caña, eran deliciosas. También alimentamos a los conejos, gallinas y cuánto animal había en la casa. 

En las mañanas acompañaba a mi abuelita paterna a ordeñar, ella me daba leche recién ordeñada en la tapa de la cantina, era tibia y muy rica. Cuando ella terminaba de ordeñar, trasladaba el ganado a otro pastizal. Luego nos íbamos a la casa a hacer el desayuno, por lo general se preparaba caldo de papa recién sacada, con costilla de res, cebolla y cilantro, se acompañaba con chocolate en leche, queso y arepas campesinas.

A las 10 de la mañana venía el puntal, que era una pirámide de papas saladas en un plato y terminaba con un buen trozo de carne o gallina y de tomar una totumada de guarapo dulce y ají con cebolla larga, cilantro y tomate bien picadito. 
Y a jugar..... correr, saltar, tirarnos a botes por las laderas.., en fin... éramos libres y felices.

Resultado de imagen para paisajes de casas en adobe en boyacá

En la noche la cena se hacía en la estufa de leña de la cocina, como hacía tanto frío, todos nos reunimos alrededor del fogón y al terminar de comer, comenzaban las historias de duendes, brujas y leyendas.

La tertulia duraba casi hasta media noche y cuando teníamos que irnos a dormir, ya todas asustadas por las narraciones, debíamos ir a orinar al monte, porque no había baño, se¿imaginan el susto de nosotras? todo estaba muy oscuro, lo único que se veía eran las luciérnagas a las cuales les teníamos miedo ya que nos decían que eran los espíritus de los difuntos, casi siempre terminamos haciendo detrás de la casa, a pesar que nos decían que debíamos orinar lejos en el monte.

Luego corríamos a la alcoba, la cual estaba en la otra parte de la casa que era bastante alejada de la cocina. Nos metíamos en la cama y nos tapábamos totalmente de pies a cabeza.

Es agradable recordar esos momentos, fueron muy especiales.

jueves, 7 de julio de 2016



Resultado de imagen para rondon sanandresano









Resultado de imagen para imagenes refranes populares de matrimonio


martes, 5 de julio de 2016



San Andres Island, Colombia.
Resultado de imagen para rondon sanandresano
This small and colorful Colombian island, is located in the Caribbean, off the coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina form an archipelago of small-town life whose table is populated with fish and tropical fruits. Ingredients wisely mixed in some of the dishes that you can not miss when you come to this Caribbean corner of paradise.

Rondón is one of the most typical of the island of San Andres, Colombia dishes. Historically, it was a dish prepared only by men, for men and consists of a fillet of fish, snail, cassava, yams, pigtail, cooked banana and domplines, which are flour tortillas. All this, bathed and cooked in coconut milk with pepper.


2 liters of coconut milk
 1 kg. fish (or spiral)
500 gr. salt pork (pig-tail or other part)
2 green, whole peeled and sliced ​​bananas along
500 gr. cassava, peeled and chopped
500 gr. yam, peeled and chopped
250 gr. potatoes peeled and chopped
250 gr. fruit breadfruit, peeled and chopped
8 Dumplings
2 tablespoons fresh basil and oregano, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

Preparing rondón
First, it is well to soften clubbing snail, it is parboiled about 10 minutes sours. Besides, the pig parboiled 10 minutes to get the salt, it is thrown into the water and sink. Reserve washing fish. The snail and pork are made in coconut milk cook for 15 minutes. bananas, cassava, yams and potatoes are added; when they are soft (after about 25 minutes), dumplings, salt and pepper are added (if fish is the time to put it) and cook for 20 minutes over low heat, adding the herbs 5 minutes before serving .









Colombian legend: The Fireball

Colombian legend: The Fireball


It is a legend of Casanare and Meta.

You have that on full moon nights in the vast savannas of the Eastern Plains of Colombia, near the waters, streams and ravines, a ghost of a woman wrapped in flames appears resembling a fireball, when very closely, you see a skull instead of face. This frightening ghost haunts the philandering men and take drinks, crossing the trails late at night.

The fireball, suddenly appears and begins to approach, in order to hit them until they were unconscious or dead; the mighty Ranger knows that at that time only helps him the curse with obscenities, carrying a bottle with holy water and saying "Ave Maria Purisima" or confront it with the whip of the beasts, until she runs away, screaming and moaning on the plain infinite.
But living out of that meeting, if they are not idiots are well known for their bravery.

One of the origins of this legend is that in a hacienda lived long ago a couple with six children and one daughter. Because of the war, disease and adventurous life and squabbles, the estate was being ruined, the children went to work away and the father died. Only they were mother and daughter, a beautiful young woman with many lovers.

One day she left the ranch with a man named Macario, cheat, thief, womanizer, drunkard, it was the devil himself. The mother fell ill in his solitary agony and cursed several times to his ungrateful daughter and predicted he would go to hell, because he yielded to his wishes and leave her abandoned.

The Patasola O ogress

The Patasola O ogress

Resultado de imagen para la patasola mito colombiano

The patasola is a fear that sometimes appears walking with his single leg. The speed of their march is such that men tremble just to hear their cries lost in forests, dense forests scrub, forests and moors of the tops of the ridges.

It is the spirit of an unfaithful wife, who was caught by her husband, this machete in hand with her lover off his head and took her leg, which caused her death.

This fear haunts the men in love, begins to whistle and each time the arremedan it is closer to them, suddenly a beautiful woman with long black hair appears and gets some of the men were interested in her, invite eat and then go to sleep with her.

Once the couple enjoying being the meeting, beautiful woman paralyzed man with his gaze, until it ends amid laughter transformed into a ghost of fiery eyes, tangled hair in disarray and long fangs. It turned into a wild beast pounces on its prey, sucks the blood and bone-crushing; finally leaves a trail of drops of blood on his flight.



Resultado de imagen para la patasola mito colombiano







哥倫比亞是在北緯04°00 N經度72°00瓦特它位於南美洲西北角。哥倫比亞涵蓋了南北半球。





Recursos Naturales




Bandera Nacional

Escudo Nacional
我國的盾剛剛接受了整個歷史的變化。這不得不哥倫比亞是由查理五世在1548設計的,目前是第一個盾牌標識波哥大。弗朗西斯科·德保桑坦德是在1861年委託法律3 1834年5月9日進行修改。


它是由25個聲音與管弦樂團,由藝術大師奧萊斯忒Sindici進行了合唱團演唱。 1920年,它是由法律由國會制定的採用為國歌。
Escudo Nacional




該金迪奧棕櫚蠟是哥倫比亞的國樹。它的學名是“Ceroxylon Quindiuense”。這是驚人的美麗,非凡的力量和傳說中的長壽手掌。這是獨家的哥倫比亞安第斯山脈。它達到的高度可達70米。它被選為由III南美植物學大會的籌備委員會,於1949年在波哥大舉行的哥倫比亞的國樹後來它被正式採用作為1985.Nombre科學家的法律61國家的象徵:Ceroxylon quindiuense H. Wendl。

                       Ave Nacional



2012年美國 - 哥倫比亞自由貿易協定開始生效。該協議增加了現有條約和10,6人正在談判中。







Folclor y Tradiciones
西班牙卡斯蒂利亞或者是哥倫比亞的官方語言。來自歐洲,正是我們的西班牙征服者,還有卡斯蒂利亞的局部變化。包括許多方言像派薩(麥德林和老卡爾達斯),該valluno中,羅洛(波哥大和國家的中心),沿海的pastuso的patojo(考卡),在opita的santandereano中, Boyaco和chocoano。
民族的語言也被憲法承認在其領土官員。他們是65這subsistenen 32個部門在哥倫比亞22美洲印第安人的語言。根據法律教育是義務教育必須與自己的語言傳統的地區雙語。
60土著語言保持活力,例如Wayúunaike在瓜希拉;在Nasayuwe和Guambiano考卡;在Chibcha家族在聖瑪爾塔內華達山脈和Cocuy的語言; Embera的和Wounaan在喬科和里薩拉爾達;該家族在亞諾斯德爾奧里諾科Guahibo語言; Camsá,因加克丘亞語方言在錫本多伊(普托馬約)和馬庫語言,巨嘴鳥,Witoto寶來,Ticuna等人在亞馬遜河谷。
Chuánshuō he shénhuà COLOMBIANOS


Colombia is in the latitude and longitude of 04 ° 00 N, 72 ° 00 w. It is located in the northwest corner of South America. Colombia covers both the northern and southern hemispheres.
The capital city of Colombia is Bogotá. The latitude and longitude of Bogota, Colombia's capital city is 04º 38 'N, 74 ° 05' w.
The surface of 2,129,748 km² is Colombia, of which 1,141,748 sq km correspond to its mainland and the remaining 988,000 square kilometers to its maritime extension, which maintains a border dispute with Venezuela and Nicaragua.
Bordered on the east by Venezuela and Brazil, south with Peru and Ecuador and northwest with Panama; regarding maritime boundary, bordering Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Venezuela in the Caribbean Sea and Panama, Costa Rica and Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean.


Natural resources
Recursos Naturales
The Colombian territory has a wide variety of natural resources due to its topographical diversity. so we call the material elements that nature provides us spontaneously, without the hand of man intervenes.
Natural Resources are used by humans, and serve to meet their needs. Are natural reinforcements eg trees, which form the tropical forests of the Amazon; natural grasses growing in the Andean region; fish living in the seas, rivers and lakes; minerals lying underground as copper, oil or silver; the floors of the valleys and plains; wild animals of different natural regions of the country; water from rivers, ponds and lakes are part of these resources. These become wealth with organized labor of men, that is, when they are used wisely ..
In addition, Colombia has great potential for energy resources (coal, mainly in Guajira). Oil exploitation is one of the main activities of the national economy and generating large amount of currency. Among export natural resources are gold, nickel, copper, silver, platinum and emeralds. The large variety of climatic zones allows for a significant agricultural and livestock production. Forestry and fishing are also important.

National flag
Bandera Nacional

The yellow represents wealth, blue seas and rivers and red the blood spilled by compatriots in battle.

the Shield
National Emblem
Escudo Nacional

The Shield of our country has just had a change throughout history. The first shield that had Colombia was designed by Charles V in 1548 and is currently identifies Bogota. Francisco de Paula Santander in 1861 was commissioned to modify by the law 3 May 9, 1834.
National Anthem of Colombia

The National Anthem of Colombia, was formalized by Law 33 of 1920. The words of the hymn was written by Rafael Núñez and music by the Italian composer Oreste Sindici to commemorate the November 11 Independence of Cartagena. On November 11, 1887 was sung for the first time in public. On December 6, 1887 made an official appearance in the hall of degrees, opposite the Palace of San Carlos; assisted by Rafael Nunez, civil, ecclesiastical, military, cabinet members and members of the diplomatic corps.

It was sung by a choir of 25 voices with orchestra, conducted by Maestro Oreste Sindici. In 1920 it was adopted as the National Anthem by law enacted by Congress.

Flower National Emblem
Escudo Nacional

The orchid is the national flower. In particular, the variety called Cattleya Trianae. It is named in honor of the Colombian naturalist José Jerónimo Triana.

It was chosen as the national flower according to an opinion issued by the Colombian Academy of History in 1936, even though it has not been officially sanctioned by law. It is known that the Colombian Orchids are listed among the most beautiful in the world. The structure and colors of the Cattleya Trianae are of extraordinary beauty.


Wax Palm of Quindio
The Quindio wax palm is the national tree of Colombia. Its scientific name is "Ceroxylon Quindiuense". It is a palm of stunning beauty, extraordinary strength and legendary longevity. It is exclusive to the Colombian Andes. It reaches heights up to 70 meters. It was chosen as the national tree of Colombia by the preparatory commission of the III South American Botanical Congress, held in Bogotá in 1949. Later it was officially adopted as a national symbol by law 61 of 1985.Nombre scientist: Ceroxylon quindiuense H. Wendl.

                       Ave Nacional
The condor is an emblem of freedom and sovereignty in the national emblem since 1834, officially recognized as the national bird. This bird inhabits the Andean region, is characterized by its size and scope, according to the president of the republic the condor is the national heritage that was an exotic bird that represented the spiritual harmony of those who want the nation.


The official currency of Colombia is the peso, which is divided into 100 cents. Colombia ranks as the fourth largest economy in Latin America after Brazil, Mexico and Argentina and in the international classification, is within the 31 largest in the world.
It is part of the CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa), that comprise emerging economies with high growth potential.
In 2012 the United States-Colombia Free Trade Agreement went into effect. The agreement adds to the existing treaties and 10, and six others are under negotiation.
Colombia is part of international organizations like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, IDB (Interamerican Development Bank), Unasur, the WTO (World Trade Organization), Mercosur, among others.
The Colombian economy is based primarily on the production of primary commodities for export, and production of consumer goods for the domestic market. One of the most traditional economic activities is the cultivation of coffee, one of the world's largest exporters of this product; It has been a central part of the economy of Colombia since the early twentieth century and has earned international recognition for the quality of grain; however, its importance and production have decreased significantly in recent years.
Oil production is one of the most important in the continent, Colombia is the fourth largest producer in Latin America and the sixth of the entire continent.
As for minerals include coal mining, and the production and export of gold, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds.
In agriculture, have an important place floriculture and banana crops, and in the industrial sector include textiles, automotive, chemical and petrochemical industries.

Change US dollars into pesos.

The predominant religion in Colombia is Roman Catholic. 92% of the national population says profess Catholicism or registered as Catholics, but within the same population can be counted indifferent religious groups. These figures take into account the percentage of Catholic baptisms, which does not necessarily reflect the number of believers.

The flora and fauna of Colombia are as varied as the topography. The characteristics of Colombian territory are are conducive to accommodate ecosystems. which in turn contribute to the presence of many species of flora that are in Colombia, which currently has 45,000 species of plants.
Along the Caribbean coast grow mangroves and coconut trees, and 51 million intermediate elevations are covered by forests, where commercially harvestable trees as are: mahogany, rosewood, oak, walnut, cedar, pine and some varieties of balm . Tropical plants also produce rubber (rubber), chicle, cinchona, vanilla, sarsaparilla, ginger, gum copal, ipecac, tonka bean and castor bean.


Among the wild animals are the largest mammals in South America, such as jaguar, puma, tapir, peccary, anteater, sloth, armadillo, and several species of monkeys and deer. Lizards, who once abounded along major rivers, have been hunted intensively so they are now very rare. In tropical regions inhabited by many varieties of snakes. Among the birds condors, vultures, toucans, parrots, cockatoos, cranes, storks and Hummingbird are.

Folclor y Tradiciones
Folklore and Traditions
Spanish or Castilian is the official language of Colombia. From Europe, exactly our Spanish conquistadors, there are local variants of Castilian. include numerous dialects like paisa (Medellin and Old Caldas), the valluno, the Rolo (Bogota and the center of the country), the coastal, the pastuso, the patojo (Cauca), the opita, the santandereano, the Boyaco and chocoano.

The languages ​​of ethnic groups are also constitutionally recognized as official in its territory. They are sixty-five American Indian languages ​​which subsistenen 22 of the 32 departments in Colombia. By law education it is compulsory must be bilingual in areas with their own linguistic traditions.

60 Aboriginal languages ​​are kept alive, for example Wayúunaike in Guajira; the Nasayuwe and Guambiano in Cauca; languages ​​of the Chibcha family in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Cocuy; Embera and Wounaan in Choco and Risaralda; Guahibo languages ​​of the family in the Llanos del Orinoco; Camsá, Inga dialect Quechua in the valley of Sibundoy (Putumayo) and Maku languages, Tucano, Witoto-Bora, Ticuna and others in the Amazon.

Importantly Creole languages ​​spoken by Afro-Colombian communities: Palenquero creole, Palenque de San Basilio (Bolívar) and sanadresano Creole English, the archipelago of San Andres and Providencia.

Colombia a wonderful country with warm people, beautiful scenery of beaches, mountains, mountains and forest, ideal for foreign nationals wishing to know the great diversity of climate, fauna and flora.
It enjoys a rich and varied cuisine, where the aroma of coffee, tropical fruits and spices, develop all our senses.

Given the great diversity of cultures in Colombia, are many legends and myths that have been handed down by our ancestors and which the vast majority are female representation.